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CONTSUPP - Organization Tree

RecType in Table: O
GoldMine Location: Org Chart to left of contact records.

Allows grouping of company records into an organizational layout.

GoldMine Field: Field name when viewed in GoldMine. If blank, not visible in GoldMine.
User/System: Defines whether the User or the System sets and maintains this value.
Used For: The type of data stored in this field. If a value in single quotes (' '), this is the actual value stored in this field.

Fields In Use in GoldMine
Field Name GoldMine Field Type Field Used For
ACCOUNTNO   System AccountNo of the Link Record. If the entry is not a Link then use the account number of the record that the tree is created under.
RECTYPE   System O
CONTACT   System AccountNo of the record that the tree was originally created under.
CONTSUPREF   System Stores the parent-child relationship.
This relationship is stored in segments of 5 characters each.
See the note below for details.
EXT   System ‘1’ = Organization, ‘3’ = Section or ‘6’ = Link
ADDRESS1   System Title of the Org, Section, or Link.
For every (5 character) child/parent Segment add two spaces before the text.
See the note below for details.
MERGECODES     Ownership field
RECID   System Record ID

Details on the formatting of the CONTSUPREF field.

CONTSUPREF is a character field but the segments are displayed using numbers (padded with zeros). They also pertain to the sorting of the entries in the Org Tree.

A new Organization might have the following value in CONTSUPREF: 10000

If you add a section (Section1) to that organization you might use: 1000000500
10000 is the parent and 00500 is the child. Now every link or section under section1 must have at least this value (1000000500) in CONTSUPREF.

Now let's say you add another section (Section2) under the org (not within the previous section) you ight use: 1000000510

00510 is the child section and it will appear after (not inside of) Section1 because:

  1. It shares the same parent (10000)
  2. Iit's value is greater than Section1 (00510 > 00500).

Every link or section appearing under Section2 will have at least this value in CONTSUPREF.

Now lets say that you want to add a Section (Section2a) inside of Section2. You might use: 100000051000500

Again the same rules apply. We can see how the parent number is here (1000000510) and the child number is appended (00500).

Organizations will start the initial parent number and only sections can add to it. Links do not add a child value they use the section's value+space+Contact name. This provides a sorting mechanism for Links within a section. Adding 'Joe Bloggs' to Section2 might yield: 1000000510 Joe Bloggs

Note that if the contact name gets truncated due to insufficient field length, it will not hurt the data

You can have a maximum of 5 sections within an Organization.


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