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NETUpdate Administrator

(Updated 28/04/2006)

The NETUpdate Administration Utility

The Administration Application is the central part of the NETUpdate suite of products, it's has a very important role. This utility enables you to build the client side configuration file and the remote NETUpdate download list.

You the developer use this utility to define some of the appearance of the client side application and specify which files you will be maintaining in the update set, you can select to register any DLL and OCX files and you can also specify the target location of these files.

Once you have configured the initial details you can select and copy all the files that will relate to the update, copy them to an output folder for you to upload to the server ready for the client application to download them or FTP directly to your web server.

You may select to record updates in a separate folder per version or to overwrite the contents of the same folder.


  • Publish to separate folders per version.
  • FTP directly to a web server or to a local folder or both.
  • Include the NETUpdate client executable as part of the update.
  • Select the files to update.
  • New files in the scan folder are automatically highlighted.
  • Select the destination folder for the selected files.
  • Set some basic visualizations of the client executable.
  • Most recent configuration file list menu.

The Admin Interface

When you first launch the Administration Application you are presented with the welcome screen.

Admin Screen 1

The first thing you need to do is use the menu and select "New Project" or click on the "Start New Project" button on the main screen.


This next screen prompts you to select the Application executable or DLL/OCX file which this project is for.

New Project

As you can see there is a browse button that allows you to select your file.

Once you have selected your file the details are automatically entered into the fields ready for you to amend if needed.

New Project

Once you have started the project and selected your application file you will return to the initial start screen where you can now see some information relating to your selected file.

The field labeled "Path for files to scan" is basically your application development path or location where you place all the files relating to your application.

The field "Update files results are stored:" signifies where the resulting update files are Output to. In other words your update set location.

This is where the Local copy is stored when you publish your update. 

File Paths

The options below the paths fields are as follows:-

"Use a new folder each time project is published"

Means just what is says. If you select this option then when you publish your update the resulting update set files on your local machine or FTP will be placed in a new folder with the name of the version stamp e.g.:


 "Publish to your Output Folder"

Publish to a local files folder

"Publish to your FTP Server"

Upload your published files via FTP directly to your web server.

Client - Administration Utiltity Part 1 - Administration Utiltity Part 2 - Features List - ActiveX Object - News


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