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CONTSUPP - Referrals

RecType in Table: R
GoldMine Location: Referrals Tab

Each referral created generates two ContSupp records, one for each record that is linked to the other.

GoldMine Field: Field name when viewed in GoldMine. If blank, not visible in GoldMine.
User/System: Defines whether the User or the System sets and maintains this value.
Used For: The type of data stored in this field. If a value in single quotes (' '), this is the actual value stored in this field.

Fields In Use in GoldMine
Field Name GoldMine Field Type Field Used For
ACCOUNTNO   System AccountNo of Linked Company
RECTYPE   System R
CONTACT Reference System “To” or “For” and the linked company name.
TITLE   System AccountNo of linked record.
CONTSUPREF Referal User Reference field for the referral.
DEAR Reference System Remainder of Contact field (i.e. Company name) if longer than 40 characters.
EXT   System ‘T’ if the referrer, ‘R’ if the referree.
LINKACCT   System RecID of the linked record’s ContSupp referral record.
NOTES Notes User Notes
CITY Date System Create By, Date, Time (under Audit Tab)
STATE Status Tab User Several flags for the options on the Status Tab of the Referral record.
If ‘1’, the option is checked, if ‘0’, it is un-checked.
Position Description
1 Initial Contact
2 Interest Confirmed
3 Identified Key Players
4 Evaluation Requested
5 Evaluation INP
6 Evaluation Positive
7 Making Decision
8 Verbal Agreement
9 Project Funded
10 Purchase Order
11 Product Delivery
12 Done!
13 Lost Sale
STATUS   System Position 1=’0’, Position 2=’1’ if notes, otherwise ‘0’.
RECID   System Record ID


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