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DBase Directory Location: GMBASE
Table Description: Saved Import/Export profiles for all databases.

Table Indexes
Name DBase Index SQL Index ID

Table Relationships

Table Fields Structure
Field Name Field Type Length Description
RECTYPE String 3 If 2 characters, header record, if 3 characters, detail record.
Position Description
1 Type of record (Export, Import, Merge)
2 Profile type, 0=DBF, 1=ASCII, 2=SDF, 3=SQL
NUMBER1 String 2  
ENTRYDESC String 40 For the header record, indicates the name of the profile, for the detail record, indicates the field name of incoming (Import)/outgoing (Export) file.
OPTIONS1 String 15 Header Records -Import
Position Description
1 Field separator (defaults to comma)
2 Field delimitor (defaults to double-quote)
3 Record separator (0=CR/LF, 1=LF)
4 Convert OEM to Ansi
5 Auto update fields based on Lookup.ini
6 Match options (0-Overwrite, 1=Add New, 2=No Import, 3=Ask Me)
7 Import matching records only
8 Import empty fields
9 Attach default AP to these records
10-12 Maximum field length (text imports)

Header Records -Export
Position Description
1 Field separator (defaults to comma)
2 Field delimitor (defaults to double-quote)
3 Record separator (0=CR/LF, 1=LF)
4 Convert OEM to Ansi
5 Export GM field names as first record (Text only)

Detail Records -Import (0=No, 1=Yes)
Position Description
1 Convert to Proper Case
2 Convert to Upper Case
3 Convert to Lower Case

Detail Records -Export: Indicates field length of exported field.
OPTIONS2 String 10 For the header record, indicates the name of the match field if applicable.
PARAMS Memo - If blank, file not saved with profile, otherwise file name attached to profile preceeded by two tildes (~~) and followed by a line feed character.
LASTUSER String 8 Last Modified By
LASTDATE String 8 Last Modified Date
LASTTIME String 5 Last Modified Time
RECID String 15 Record ID


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Q:What's the difference between a fairy tale and a trucker's story?

A:A fairy tale begins "Once upon a time..." and a trucker's story begins


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