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CONTSUPP - Details / Profiles

RecType in Table: P
GoldMine Location: Details Tab, Extended Tabs

This is the “catch all” location for storing any records that may exist multiple times for the associated contact. Examples of this might be Serial #s, Products purchased, Equipment used, etc. This tab is used for anything that does not fit well in custom fields in the Contact2 database. Each detail record can be “extended” to include 8 additional fields. In GoldMine, this is accessible via the Info tab of a Detail record. The Setup tab of this same Detail record identifies the field names for each of these 8 fields. You only need to save these once and they will be used for this same profile record (identified by the value in the Contact field) in the future. This information is stored in a Header record in the ContSupp table, identified by an H rectype (more details here).

GoldMine Field: Field name when viewed in GoldMine. If blank, not visible in GoldMine.
User/System: Defines whether the User or the System sets and maintains this value.
Used For: The type of data stored in this field. If a value in single quotes (' '), this is the actual value stored in this field.

Fields In Use in GoldMine
Field Name GoldMine Field Type Field Used For
ACCOUNTNO   System Link to Contact1 Record
RECTYPE   System P
CONTACT Detail User Profile Name
TITLE Field 1 User Extended Detail Data
CONTSUPREF Reference User Reference
PHONE   System Link to Lookup.LookupSupp
EXT Field 5 User Extended Detail Data
NOTES Notes User Notes
ADDRESS1 Field 7 User Extended Detail Data
ADDRESS2 Field 8 User Extended Detail Data
CITY Date User Create By, Date, Time (under Audit Tab)
STATE Field 6 User Extended Detail Data
ZIP Field 4 User Extended Detail Data
COUNTRY Field 3 User Extended Detail Data
STATUS   System Position 1 = ‘0’
Position 2 = ‘1’ if Notes, Otherwise 0
LASTUSER User User Audit Tab, Last Update Section
LASTEDATE Date User Audit Tab, Last Update Section
LASTTIME Time User Audit Tab, Last Update Section
RECID   System Record ID


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