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PikLink™ - RDBMS Connection Tools


  • Property.Dict
    Returns True/False
    Shows if the pFile item is a Dict file pointer of not.

  • Property.FileHandle
    Returns: Integer
    Holds the internal file handle

  • Property.FileLocation
    Returns: String
    Returns the Account of the pFile Item.

  • Property.FileName
    Returns: String
    Returns the FileName of the pFile Item.

  • Function.OpenFile(FileName, Optional Dict, Optional AccountName)
    Opens the File specified ready for use.

  • Function.CloseFile()
    Closes the open file.

  • Function.ItemReadV(ReturnRecord, ItemName, Attribute)
    Returns: String
    Performs a READV of an item.

  • Function.ItemReadVU(ReturnRecord, ItemName, Attribute)
    Returns: String
    Performs a READV of an item with lock.

  • Function.ItemWriteV(ItemData, ItemName, Attribute)
    Performs a WRITEV of an item.

  • Function.ItemWriteVU(ItemData, ItemName, Attribute)
    Performs a WRITEV of an item with lock.

  • Function.ItemExists(ItemName)
    Returns True/False
    Checks to see if an Item exists.

  • Function.ItemDelete(ItemName)
    Deletes an item from the Open file.

  • Function.Release(ItemName)
    Release any open locks on this item.

  • Function.SelectReadV(Optional SelectStatement, Optional SSELECT, Optional Attribute, Optional Limit)
    Returns: Collection of String Items
    Returns a select statement and returns the results as a collection of pItems with only the attribute specified in the contents.

  • Function.SelectItems(Optional SelectStatement, Optional SSELECT, Optional Attribute, Optional Limit)
    Returns: Collection of String Items
    Returns a select statement and returns the results as a collection of pItems.

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