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GMGoldLINK™ a new GoldMine API

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PikLink™ - RDBMS Connection Tools

plUtils - Utilities

  • CompileCatalog(FileName, ProgramName, ReturnResult, Optional AccountName)
    This function will compile and catalog a file on the server. You can optionally specify an account if left blank it will compile and catalog in the PikLink account.

  • CreateQPointer(QPointerName,AccountName,FileName
    Returns: True/False
    WIll create a QPointer in the MD of the PikLink Account.

  • OConv(DataIN, Correlative)
    Returns: Result
    Perform a Output Conversion on the Server and return the result.

  • IConv(DataIN, Correlative)
    Returns: Result
    Perform a Input Conversion on the Server and return the result.

  • ReleaseALL()
    Release all Locks for this process- Use with care

  • Execute(CommandString)
    Returns: Result
    Execute a TCL statement and return the results.

  • ProgCall(ProgramName, ArgumentsIN, ArgumentsOUT)
    Returns: True/False
    Call a program and pass in some data and the program will send back the results
    This is usefull for creating your own programs for tasks.

  • plDelete(Item as pItem, amc, Optional vmc, Optional svmc)
    Returns: new pItem
    This Allows the same functionality as pItem.Delete(amc, Optional vmc, Optional svmc)

  • plInsert(Item as pItem, InsertString, amc, Optional vmc, Optional svmc)
    Returns: new pItem
    This Allows the same functionality as pItem.Insert(amc, Optional vmc, Optional svmc)

  • plReplace(Item as pItem, ReplaceString, amc, Optional vmc, Optional svmc)
    Returns new pItem
    This Allows the same functionality as pItem.Replace(amc, Optional vmc, Optional svmc)

  • plExtract(Item as pItem, amc, Optional vmc, Optional svmc)
    Returns: new pItem
    This Allows the same functionality as pItem.Extract(amc, Optional vmc, Optional svmc)

  • DCount(Item, Char)
    Returns: Long result
    Count the number of Occurances of a string

  • Convert(SourceString, Find, Replace)
    Returns: Converted String
    Same function as the VB Replace Function

  • CopyDosFileToServer(FileName, ItemName ,DosFilePath, Optional Overwrite, Optional CrLf_to_AM, Optional AccountName)
    Function to Copy a DOS file to the Server

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The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest amount of feathers with the least possible amount of hissing.



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  This site is copyright © 2005 EnigmaWare Software Inc - Darren Lawrence aka MrEnigma/AbsoluteGenius